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About Us


Michelle H. Mitchell offers scholarship opportunities for deserving high school graduates entering college and college coeds to excel as Business Administration, Accounting or Finance majors.

The Ruth S. Harden Memorial Scholarship was established in 2001 in loving memory of Michelle Mitchell's mother who was a retired educator, Business Education major and 1943 graduate of Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia.

When Mrs. Harden entered Hampton Institute as a freshman in 1939 shortly after the Great Depression, she had no idea how her parents or she would ever be able to pay her annual tuition and living expenses of about $300. Mrs. Harden's dream was that the dreams of all bright young people would forever be more easily attainable than hers.

Each year, scholarship awardees receive financial assistance for tuition and books. Michelle believes that investing in young people on the "front end" yields significant returns on the "back end". She is already beginning to see the impact that 2001 and 2002 scholarship recipients are making on their campuses as capable future leaders. On the professional side, the Ruth S. Harden Memorial Scholarship fund has given Michelle the opportunity to meet and mentor youth from across America, while promoting the field of accounting.

For more information, contact us.

January 15
Individual Estimated Taxes
(Form 1040ES)

January 31
Business Payroll Taxes
(Form 940 & 941)

January 31
Business Wage & Info.
Returns (Form W-2 & 1099)

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